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Top 5 Reasons To Choose Python As Web Project in 2020

I will tell you today Top 5 reasons why you should choose Python in 2020 instead of JAVA and C++ and why Software Companies choose Python.

Before going to the topic let's first see the Python on Google Trends

Python has gained popularity in the last one year which you can see in the below screenshot from Google Trends.

Top 5 Reasons to Choose Python

1. High Salary

Python is a Popular and high demanding Language which Provides High Salary jobs. The Salary can be different According to the Country, for high-tech countries  Python Developers are paid more.

The Average Python Developer Salary per year is -: US$ 100,000 - US$ 120,000

As compared to Java Developers, Python developers are Paid more and this is due to the reason that Python is becoming a high-demanding language.

2. Easy to Learn 

The main reason why Python is becoming popular nowadays is that it has simple syntax which makes the program easy to write and easy to understand by the new User.

Python Uses simple English which can be understood by the new user in an easy way. If you are a new user you can learn it in lesser time period as compared to java and C++.

3. Take less Time

If we compare the java and Python code to print Java and Python we will see that Python uses less statements than java, let’s check an example.



class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, World!");

print ( “Hello world” ) 

We can see that how long code we have to write in Java for printing  Hello world . In Python we have to write a single line for the same execution.

3. Platform Independent and Extensible 

Python is Platform-Independent and can run across different platforms like Windows, Linux/UNIX , Mac OS X and other operating systems.

Python is an Extensible Language which means that it is highly efficient and their is no wastage of time in declaring the type of the variable or arguments.

4. Free Open-Source 

Free and Open Source Python, Piyush Python , ProgcodePython language is free and Open source which means that it can be used without the license. As it is an Open-Source Language it means that the source code is available to Public, which you can download, use and share.

You can Download Python from the link given below-:

5. Web Development

Web Development
Web Development is the development of websites for the Internet.
Python offers you many libraries like, Flask, CherryPy, Pyramid, Django and Web2py which help you to make websites and Web applications.
Some of the Popular sites like Spotify, Netflix, Dropbox and many more had used Python in their Applications and Sites.

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