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Getting Started with Python | Learn Python For Free

How to Get Started with Python?

Getting started with Python, Learn Python for free, Free Python tutorials , Python for Class - 12th, Python for Class - 11th, python for beginners, Python for Advanced Learner.

Learn Python for Free 

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Let us know about Python


Python is an open source object-oriented, high level programming language developed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 at the National research institute for Mathematics, Netherlands. It is presently owned by Python Software Foundation ( PSF).

Python is a general purpose programming language that can be used effectively to build any kind of program that does not require direct access to the computer hardware.

Python is based on ABC language and was inspired by the famous BBC comedy show Monty python's flying circus.

The Easiest way to run the program :

The easiest way to run the program is python IDLE. Python needs to be installed on your system so to install Python you must first download the package of the required version from the link or URL given below
can go through the process for downloading the Python.

Downloading and installing python

Python is available for the major operating system like windows, Linux/Unix, OS/2, Mac, etc. Be careful to choose the version for your operating system and hardware.

Downloading python

Python can be downloaded and installed for free from the given link officially -

To Download python

Launch a web browser like Google Chrome, Internet explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
Copy paste the link 

  1. Click on the latest version off the download link as shown in the above figure
  2. Click the download link (Download Python).
  3. You will observe that the browser windows promotes the download information
  4. After a few moments, the python 3.7.0 application file get downloaded in your download folder.

Installing python

After the application file is downloaded, we can install it by opening it. This will open the python (LATEST VERSION) setup windows.

  1. Click on" Add python 3.8.2 to path "  to selected.
  2. Click on " Install Now " Python.
  3. Python will begin to get installed on your system is shown in the figure displayed below:

When the installation is complete, you will see a screen displayed as under.

Click Close to finish.

As you will see, the computer interface idea get installed as shown in the figure below and is ready to use now you can now write python code in the newly installed Python shell editor or Script window.

Opening python

Running Python in Python shell

Getting Started with Pyhton-:

Writing first Program

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